My Aim is True


Litter lout

is there any need in this day and age for colleagues to litter your desk with messages written on bits of paper? No, there's not. There are other much more modern ways of relaying information. So there.

Anyway. That aside. I was at the wonderful blip event tonight. What a hard job the judges must have had (which is why I didn't get involved in upstaged, it's only fair that others got a chance, eh?). I am so happy for Hope, and I think you should all persuade her that she needs to spend at least a wee bit of her prize on something frivolous that's just for her. Well done Hope, hen.

There was a bit of everything tonight. Interesting tee-shirts, mad ties, fizzy wine and Stewart Bremner. Well done Stewart on looking fantastic. He was telling Red and me about how long he spends on his blips, and I can assure you all it's total dedication. Keep up the good work Stewart.

I noticed that Scobes had discarded his label and spotted it as a potential blip. Although in such esteemed company I alwsy feel rather nervous about getting my camera out.

And of course I had the pleasure of walking home with HRH Lady Findhorn. Always a pleasure, and we discussed blipping babies and swans,

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