La vida de Annie

By Annie

Vacuuming the plants!

After an uneventful flight with no volcanic ash-related issues we arrived in Menorca yesterday evening. Was greeted like an old friend by the car-rental guy, found that ants/mould/burglars had in fact not infiltrated the apartment since I was last here 6 months ago (too too long) and hot-footed it to the local bar, where the owner also greeted me as a long-lost friend with a big hug. I love it here; it's like coming home, albeit a warmer and simpler one. I will introduce Enya to the delights of the cocktail menu in the coming days, but started very simply with a couple of pina coladas - in reality the spirit content was about 3/4 so that was nice...

My friend is a dab-hand at cleaning, and has already restored the fridge-freezer to a pristine state (it was looking a bit grim), swept the terrace and has vacuumed the outdoor plants. That isn't as daft as it sounds because painters have recently scraped off all the old stuff from the walls and repainted everything white, leaving flakes of old paint in the plant pots.

Internet has gone down a few times already but I hope to keep posting daily - apologies for poor commenting in advance.

Also - I'm still trying to get her to join Blip while we're here; any encouraging words from you lovely folks might just swing it...

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