
By msbel

city hall and max

Max is my son. He is 13. Max is a gem of a kid. We are blessed he is with us.

Upon picking Max up after school sports, I mentioned that I had joined this web site called "blipfoto", where one posts one photo taken on that very day. I thought it was brilliant because it makes one hone in on patience and filtering, and to shoot every day.

Max said, "Yea, sounds cool", as he looked over with mild adolescent annoyance of what would come next.

We stopped at City Hall on the way home as I said I desperately needed to find a blip; there had been not any time today. Perhaps we could find one there! Max said fine, if I really had to.

The sky was overcast haze, and daylight was more or less flat...not the best for light and contrast. As we parked the car, Max said "give me the camera", and started finding shadow/light I did not see.

We spent a half hour finding nooks and crannies to explore, shots of jumping up on stairs, angles of architecture, and whatever we could was the process, not the result.

Several nice shots came out of it yes, especially those by Max. That was all gravy. The time spent together using our imaginations was sacred.

Max would tell you he does not really care so much about taking photographs, however he likes the hunt.

I learn a lot from him.

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