Fira goes New York

By firagoesny

Venice Beach for Dad

Half of the trip was work experience and half was ment for me to experience Venice Beach. Touched the Pacific for the first time, had a little stroll in the ocean. We parked the car at Abbot Kinney and had breakfast at a bakery with Shannon and Claire. I am really starting to like this town, something I never -ever- expected. L.A has it's charm, not sure what yet but there is something.. I've talked to loads of people in L.A who lived in here for years and would say: "I came here to hate it for a year and leave." "I expected to hate it here and leave after a year or two." But somehow, besides the terrible amount of driving, nothing is on walking distance, the ugly buildings and -sorry- not the bestest food. Somehow people forgot or get used to it and only see the sunny sides of L.A, I am having a great time so am starting to get it bit by bit, got used to the ugly building and all that driving has a plus too. Cruising Sunset Boulevard ain't so bad.

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