This day

By snapper

Too close!

Hardly put my neb outside the door today as it has been cold, wet and miserable.
#1 son home and eating his way through my food supplies and coming home at stupid o'clock hours! I gave him a loan of my car and he brought it back (thankfully in one piece!) but reeking of cigarette smoke from one of his pals AND they left their empty fag packets behind AND he forgot to switch off my satnav!
He was down at his old place of work the boatyard and was sorting things out with this stupid boat he and his father bought about a century ago! It still hasnt seen water (apart from rain) so tomorrow the two of them are going to go down and do some work on it! I will look out to see how many moons will be in the night sky and how many pigs go flying by! gosh I'm a poet and don't know it!

Ok ok,I will go
#2 saughter cooking her fandabidozie macaronie & cheeezzzzz, yum yum1

Oichse mhath all blipeachs

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