All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Busy, busy, busy

Started off the day by having to wake Ethan up as we had a vets appointment for Obi. I always feel bad at disturbing him when he's sleeping since I'm usually desperate for him to have a lie in!

The vet was really pleased with Obi's progress. He had to take the feeding tube out though as the wound has got a bit infected so we're hoping this is an incentive for Obi to do even better at eating by himself. He has however developed an ulcer on his bad eye so we need to re-start putting eyedrops in again. However, on all other fronts he is doing so much better than the vet ever anticipated which is wonderful.

Ethan & I then headed into Edinburgh to visit my siter-in-law Emma. Two of her three children were there too and it's the first time they've all met Ethan. Ellen, as you can see in the picture, was very keen to have lots of cuddles with Ethan! However, Isla-Rose wasn't so enthusiastic when she saw her mummy holding Ethan and immediately wanted cuddles too!

After that, we drove to Linlithgow to visit my friend Jane and her 18 month old son. Jane was my first flatmate way back in our Uni days and I don't see her as often as I should, so it was good to have a catch up.

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