*hannah's days*

By hannahkross

Dunbar's Close Garden

Haven't blipped in aaaages! Friday was hecticness, uni then straight to work, then "out for one", which turned into a full blown night out - a drink at work, wandered accross the Meadows to the Links and had several, got taxis to Garibaldi's and had several, wandered to the Casino on York Place and had none (and no free sandwiches!), then got a taxi to the petrol station at Abbeyhill and bought snacks, then home to bed at 4.30am. Ooooops...

So Saturday was a bit of a non-starter, until work again. And Sunday was a day of trying to catch up with uni stuff for Monday's meeting - and watching Dr Who which was SCARY aaaaargh! Thankfully Monday's meeting went fine though I was dreading it and didn't manage to get done everything I was supposed to do... dissertation is getting there though! Did some practice, came home and chilled out for a while, then went to work again.

Today I'm having a day of domestic-ey stuff - catching up on laundry & dishes, posting ebay sales, good piano lesson, and actually going to have a proper self-cooked dinner tonight (pasta and pesto, but it's not a takeaway pizza (saturday), chips (friday), thai (sunday), or a bagel (yesterday as I had roast chicken for lunch at uni). And I am going to try and finish my analysis essay tonight.

On my way home, walking down the Mile, I suddenly noticed a sign saying "Dunbar's Close Garden - Open to the Public" at the side of a little lane. I did a bit of a double take as I'd never ever noticed it before, despite walking up and down the mile most days. It's a lovely wee garden! All kind of squared off, so there are lots of semi-private gardens to sit in, and it's lovely and quiet. Think I'll be going back there soon with a book!

More photos appearing shortly at www.flickr.com/photos/hanzi-nannog

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