Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

A weight off the shoulders.....

All the kids' stuff went off to the Exam Board this morning. I have spent the past 2 weeks working, worrying, helping, advising, working, worrying, etc etc.

And the cherry on the cake was spending most of the weekend in school, with and without the aforementioned pupils, doing paper work, more paper work and even more paper work.

I was chucked out of the building when the cleaners had finished at 5.30, and then went home to receive pupil emails to download and print. I had 3 macbooks in my house, and not one of them was geared up to do everything I needed. One didn't have Office on it. One couldn't receive e mail. One that did receive email couldn't read the document because it was in a more advanced format of Office. You get the picture? Then the ink ran out on the printer - I found that I had a spare cartridge - about the only thing that went right for me.

To bed finally at 12.30, and then up at 7 to get to work in plenty of time for the uplift. Having about an hour to kill before the start of school, I parked down at the Old Inn, put the chair back and tried to snooze. No luck.

So, filed my nails instead.

Women out there will understand, There comes a point when you neglect yourself because there is so much more to do - the nails get ignored. My poor nails have also been split to buggery because of gardening.

It was kind of symbolic to do the nails, waiting in the car, watching the rain.

I also tried out a wee point-and-shoot camera which I got - mm.... Reserving judgement.

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