Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


I was sitting minding my own buisness - watching the motor sport.

The phone goes and my wife says I am to get my backside over to friends because we are having lunch there.

We had a nice lunch and a wee drink of wine.................whilst trying to get Boston to shut up.

He spent the entire time whining because his 'mistress' (our friends daughter) is away on holiday and he is missing her.

Apart from when he stole a golf ball and proceeded tothrow it about the garden for a while.

When he got bored with throwing the golf ball..........he ate it.

It took him about 30 seconds to get the outer skin off and the inner ball lasted about 10 seconds before it was missing huge chunks.

He could eat steel rods that dog..............but is scared of rain !!!!!!!!

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