Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


We were fortunate that the weather cooperated today. The original forecast was for rain and the weather was overcast and warm. It felt like it would rain at any moment, but it never did. We took advantage of the good weather to go on more hikes and perform some projects.

One of the most useful items we have been given was a ladder. It is modular 21 foot ladder that can be taken apart and converted into two smaller ladders or dynamically extend. You can read more about it here. It is extremely useful both because 21 feet is about as high as I am comfortable going and it also provides to smaller ladders for general use. We put it to good use and cleaned a gutter and some moldy siding. It worked great!

In this picture, we see the joint of the latter. This is a locking hinge that allows it to assume multiple different positions. I also liked the blurred cloudy background.

A year ago: Maple syrup colors

Post processing:
Reduced contrast in DPP

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