
By LadyFindhorn

Spot the Ball

Some days deserve a 5* rating and others deserve a half * rating. Today it was the latter.
No particular reason, but maybe as Acronymphomania says it's decompression sickness after a stressful 3 weeks.

My throat was sore and although we went for a drive in rural Kinross-shire, the car didn't want to stop and we arrived back in Edinburgh before we knew it.
We did do an amble round the Meadows later to look at the Dower House and noticed that we will be able to watch cricket matches from the comfort of our sitting room.

Once back in the castle the phone was ringing. It was the bank asking me if I had made some specific buys on the internet including online gambling as recently as yesterday and today. No was the answer, so details of these transactions will go to the bank's fraud division and my card has been cancelled. I'm so glad the powers that be noticed it before I got my statement. Together with my sore throat, the shock might have killed me.

So I give today a half * and a must try harder report.

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