
By flying

Two Friends

Great day, blue sky and a very warm temperature of 27 degrees!! And its sposed to be Autumn!
Mum has just recently got a new camera, she has been without one for years so its a good hobby for her.  She is going away next week to visit her sister in the North Island and I want her to be happy using her camera.
So it was off for a walk today for us.  Since joining blip 'the explorer' side of me is coming out.  Today we walked to the point where the Kaiapoi River and the Waimakariri River join before they head to sea.  It was great.  We passed a small lake with ducks of all kinds and black swans, a dairy farm, through trees to finally come to the rivers.  We saw Shags and a White Faced Heron of which I got a few shots but the heron was a little small.  There were men fishing for salmon and trout and a fishing boat came in from the sea.  The water was very blue today and you could smell the sea salt drifting in from the sea.  
We had a great time and we will be going back.  I was wanting to see the Autumn colours of the trees but it was too late, the trees are bare.
The two white ducks were hanging out together and I liked the contrast of their white colours against the blue velvety water.

Friday tomorrow, another weekend and ANZAC Day for the Australians and New Zealanders.  No holiday for the Kiwis though.

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