Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

Happy Secretaries Day

actually, now it's called something like Professional Administrative Assistants Day. good thing, cuz I am NOT a secretary for sure!
not sure how professional I am either. I just get the job done!

anyway, this year, like last year, the two daughters of one of my bosses sent me flowers "for taking good care of Mom". Their "Mom" is already semi-retired; when she retires for good, it will be a sad day for me. not that she doesn't deserve it, but my job won't be near as fun. She is one of those "people" persons that know just how to relate to others. She is so gifted in that way.

celebrating is a little difficult because one of my bosses is on vacation and the third one is male & new to the administrative role - though, as a doctor, he is quite used to having a medical assistant, I am not sure he has figured out what to do with an admin assistant.

and then there is all the hubbub & fuss about getting my office ready to run without me for more than two weeks. But I will enjoy the flowers tomorrow and then leave them in the care of my new compadre to enjoy.

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