Gifts of Grace

By grace


Pops keeps watch whilst his mate naps in a rock pool as night falls.

An unexpectedly busy day when I realised I'd neither sat nor blipped at 7.30 this evening. The big shift is that I wanted to sit more than ever, it's become something like an appetite or need. Despite the bitter wind and the non-existent light I sat for half an hour, blipping the cold, cold sea. Our two ducks alone fishing the kelp beds close to shore.

When the sun was really gone they settled on the shore; their camouflage so perfect I had to search again every time I took my eye off them.

I do wonder what will become of the eggs, neglected now for several days. I've made up a story that they're in a sort of cold storage, having been laid on an unseasonably warm day. I'm waiting to see if she returns to incubate them when the weather improves towards the weekend.

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