Oh Dear!

Well, tonight I have been "challenging" Mum and Dad. I am still not quite right after my sickness on Monday - I have been refusing most food since then and haven't eaten a proper meal. And my cheeks are really red, so there's probably more teething going on. Dad picked me up from Gran and Papa's and Papa told him that I refused to sleep early on in the day but had then fallen asleep later in the afternoon. Dad did my bath and put me to bed, but at 9pm I was still wide awake. Dad made me more milk, in case I was hungry as I didn't eat my dinner, and then Mum tried putting me to bed. But I was having none of it. Do you know the feeling of being overtired? You become hyper instead. That's what happened to me. So Mum and Dad decided the best thing was to ignore me until I fell asleep, which I eventually did not long after this photo was taken.

When Dad was trying to put me to bed, he said "into bed now Orla" and I said "bed please." So he said please, and I got into bed. I'm surprised at him -after all those times that he told me to say please when I want something and then he doesn't do it? Pah! And I want you to note - he didn't ask me to stay in bed, just get into bed, which I did. He will have to learn to be more specific.

Late Edit: I've just noticed Orla's one year ago blip. We went to baby group again today, but it is not going well. Orla was even less into it than usual as she's not feeling well, and then Louisa hit her and made her cry. I'm not sure she's really getting much out of it anymore, so we may graciously bow out soon. We'll still keep in touch with our baby group friends, just not every two weeks. It's getting increasingly difficult for me to honour that commitment anyway.

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