No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

New leaves...

...on the trees in the garden now - nice to see things looking somewhat more 'alive' now! No idea what this tree is, the branches are all higgledy-piggledy, a bit like a big bowl of noodles - it really is the messiest looking tree I have ever seen, but then, my garden's not the neatest either...

Finished nice and early today so I could enjoy a bit of the glorious sunshine. And I have the next couple of days off too, yippee!!! I think I only actually have one full day of work left before I'm made redundant, how fast the time has flown. So maybe I'll get wee D's room finished before the weekend...

EDIT: Thanks, sweetpotatosky, baby oil worked a treat - those steri-strips came off wee D's forehead without a problem and there was no squealing involved! Yippee!

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