
By andyclicks


Geez i'm struggling at the moment

i am the person who cannot say no

i do any offer anyone asks me to, i will help them and jeapordise my whole life

and apparently thats what i'm doing now and its killing me

so in the middle of the most stressful time of my school life so far with Gcse's next week i have about 4 concerts planned, an involvement with the school newspaper, other musical concerts preplanned, rehearsals for all the concerts preplanned and non preplanned, two groups to actually organise rehearsals, music and concerts, organising school productions for next term, coordinating the rejoinment of the music departements in all the local schools in the form of a contest or joint concert, grade eight flute, grade 3 piano, scales, theory, aural, Numerous health problems ...


i just need to get back in the mindset i used to have of managing to cope with everything, i've lost my way i need to find it again

anyways sorry for the rant but i needed to ... yeah heres a lovely photo i took on my way home from the doctors today, its not much but its the best today i think :)

i just need to grab hold of everything

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