Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

please mummy, make the bad people go away!

you know, i have been caught out again. my rant for this was rather lengthy and took some time to type out that by the time i went to post it i ran into this timing out problem. even more unfortunately i forgot to copy it all just in case such a situation should arise again. having been through this twice already you'd think i'd have learnt by now. maybe next time, eh?
i was going to go with eastenders or coronation street but this one just pips them in my book. don't get me wrong i'd ban those other two i mentioned as well but big brother irks me to the point where i can actually feel the bile rising in my throat just thinking about it. i mean these people, who are they? are there lives so empty that they can take 16 weeks or is it more(it never seems to go away) out of there lives and not be missed. can't really blame the viewers for keeping it on the air. their attention span being reduced to the length of a single soundbite(or podcast these days), after being fed on a diet of half baked game shows and reality shows starring whatever emaciated semi celeb is in vogue at the moment and hosted by vacuous puppets that seem to be judged on their teeth(almost like some sort of pet show), instead of any discernable talent they might possess.
you know i could go on forever about all that is wrong with "BB" and i did originally type a load of stuff about more important things happening in the world and various other minor points but after devoting so much time to this first time round i am loathe to give any more. especially on something i despise so much.
so i shall sign of with GO ON BOYS to Scotland who have just won one nil against SA. although lets be honest, it wasn't the most convincing of wins, and commiserations to england on an equally unconvincing performance.
ok just one last comment on big brother and how i would describe it, and that is, voyeuristic tv at its worst.
night folks

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