
By Yeda

The Interview

How did we get to Sunday so fast? This is an weekly question, no doubt, after having such a nice weekend. Today we drove out to La Mancha Animal Farm & Refuge. The drive is scenic as we tour through rolling pastures, gentlemen farms, horse country, loads of old country houses and barns.

We have come on a mission: find our dog. We interviewed three dogs and one puppy. The majority of us wanted the puppy, but after extensive reminders of how much work a puppy takes, we decided not to force a vote. Papa wanted a black lab mix, but no one else was very keen on her. She jumped up on Alyssa and scratched her cheek, which really turned her off. Lewis enjoyed playing with all the dogs, but like myself, he was not taken with any of them in particular. Being that this is a fifteen-year commitment, I want to make sure we make the right choice.

Personally, I am hoping we find an obedient breed that doesn't shed, will inherently will itself to guard my vegetable garden at any cost, and will learn all kinds of tricks. This dog must also fit in between two kids in the back seat during a 16-hour road trip, mustn't bark (except at burglars and hedgehogs), not weigh a ton, nor eat us out of house and home. Not too much to ask, right? Since that dog hasn't checked in to the farm yet, we piled into the car and drove home vowing to come back next week.

On our way out we had to stop and pay our respects to this pony. All alone in his little fenced in area, he was very curious and not shy at all. He just might see us on a weekly basis, if that perfect candidate takes its time checking in to the farm.

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