burn the fleet

By brett

Part 11

this kid could ride.

He reminded me of Darcy back when he was on an 80. Just pinning it. I had to ride pretty hard to keep up with him.

I learnt so much at this camp.

Learnt how awesome it is to do something that your passionate about.. I had sooo much energy and soo much fun. Absolutely loved riding and hanging out with the kids..I mean at times they still drove me partially insane, but overall it was mean!

There is a quote that I think is from the book wild at heart..but I think the author stole it from someone else. It says.

"Your calling is where your deep passion and the worlds deep hunger meet." (might be a bit wrong but thats mostly it)

I feel like I was in that place at this camp. Some of those kids have incredibly rough lives, and we were there just to hang out with them have fun on dirt bikes, and share our lives and Jesus with them.

There is a talk of another camp like this happening in June..and practically all the kids said that they were coming again if it was going to happen.

It was such a fun week. I need to figure out a way to stay around dirt bikes and ministry..

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