Netters and co

By Netters

No and Yes

This pair live in my cupboard (its ok it has a glass front they can see out !) its a cupboard of special things (surprisingly) . i think these pair are the most hideous thing i own BUT I adore them,

They have lived with me for some time now, I liked them as a child, mainly because when you touch the heads the man shakes his head "No" and the woman nods "Yes" .My mum entrusted them to me, I always assumed they belonged to my grandmother but I called mum today to check their history, They actually belonged to my Great Great Grandmother :o so a bit older than I thought, once i had taken their photo I very carefully popped them back in the cupboard. I think they enjoyed their brief fling with freedom and maybe thought they were about to be used for salt and pepper as they used to be.

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