A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

How to disappear completely

I never drink before rehearsals but today this bottle of Becks was calling to me. In a minute I have to go and break the news to the cast that they are one short. Well, more accurately that they have a stand in. I hope they brought plenty of 'the show must go on' verve with them. I'm trying very hard to hold onto mine.

For me, it could be worse. It could've been a female member of the cast and I could be the one now facing a week of being under-rehearsed on stage in front of the paying public. I also keep reminding myself of those folk stranded away from their families and the story I read of the guy who needs more of his epilepsy medicine. I'm sure he's not alone. So perspective is a good thing. And at the same time it's hard not to focus on the personal, smaller scale situation.

Distracted myself earlier with a lovely domestic family morning of more house straightening and shopping with the kids. Things could be considerably worse.

I hope none of you are separated from loved ones.

Now off to rally my cast.
Lesley x

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