what a day

By SusanJC

evening on on a Cheshire canal

It has been the most beautiful day again today - we have had a string on lovely days. It is so hard to believe that the atmosphere has so much damaging dust causing chaos across northern Europe. Our son in stranded in Lisbon and hoping to get a lift into France tomorrow from where he may be able to get either home to the UK for a couple of days or straight to Munich for his next piece of work. He was hoping so much to see the baby that his sister was due to give birth to last week and who hasn't put in an appearance yet. Now he will have to wait until he comes home in the middle of May by which time the baby will definitely have appeared.

After an afternoon pottering in the garden, my husband and I had a short walk along this canal and then back across fields. It's an area just outside the town that we don't usually visit but it was so lovely and peaceful that we will put it on our list of short walks for an evening. If we extend it we can include a visit to a recommended pub as well.

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