Dribbling with anticipation
The swan, who wandered over the pond at Gosford with his mate to say hello, was dribbling because he'd just stuck his head under the water and blown lots of bubbles. Slow walk today - Conor and I were suffering more than usual with asthma problems - I'm going to put it down to Icelandic ash rather than anything more sinister. Most of the rest of the day was spent snoozing, before and after the walk, until I gave in and dosed up with iron and vitamins, then felt much better. (The shandy might have helped too.)
Ordered a graphics tablet today, and will also be able to get a macro lens too - though I'm going to hang on a bit and have a think about that. All very exciting! (Hope my generous friends don't expect any kind of improvement in photos any time soon....)
Some possible news on the house sale tonight. I feel fate tugging at my security blanket... and a new adventure about to begin.
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