Ava's Sock Drawer

By avassockdrawer

A Collector of Things

Every day, when I sit down at my computer, this is the collection of things I see. Things that bring me comfort:

Pictures of my children and one other little man
A pencil holder my youngest son made for me for Mother's Day eight years ago
In the pencil holder - a rose two of my older son's friends gave me for my birthday
(along with a bottle of tequila)
A blue meanie I absolutely couldn't pass up in the back of an old record store
A missile launcher my husband gave to me for Christmas two years ago
A lego sculpture of Dory my son made for me seven years ago to remind me to "just keep swimming."
One Day At a Time sign with Hello Kitty sitting on the front
Little plaque on the wall telling me my mom thinks I'm a blessing
A sticker of snow white given to me by my step-daughter
A Peace skateboard my step-son brought home to me
A goofy-shaped peice of cat 5 cable shaped into a sculpture from a friend
An Easter egg with a right wingnut given to me for my 40th birthday
And several other items that help me get through the day - - all of which have a special meaning.

It isn't the neatest desk in the world - but it is certainly mine and it is a story of my life.

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