blip art :: xb

By xb

297 [volcanic sky]

I don't know if it was the volcanic sky, or if it was just the after effects of a sunset. Clouds of orange, but just in patches, and not just over towns like you would normally see. And when the clouds passed by, the skies behind were so clear and the stars so bright.

This picture is straight out of the camera - looking from Findhorn Bay towards Forres. I'm standing in the middle of the bay with the tide out. The only editing is straightening the horizon and cropping some of the foreground out. Even the stars are glowing red!

I managed to get caught up with most things at work yesterday because I had a training course at work this morning. The afternoon saw me clear up some loose ends, and leave early to start a week's holiday! Lets hope the sun keeps shining! [After the snow forecast for Sunday!]

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