
Or at least this is the promise that every election time we hear from the political parties, be it the government party or the opposition parties.

So it is dreadful pre-election time again in Greece. A period I wish I lived far far away. Island or mountain village wouldn't matter (or even a cave way up on the mountain top) as long as election campaigns couldn't reach it.

Granted that there has been some improvement since years ago the streets would be littered by garbage, ie election pamphlets or huge road signs. However it still is rather painful to pick up a newspaper and find in every page a report about this or the other party election program that most of the time it has no information about their plans, only very general descriptions, or worse where the opposite party's program or members are attacked. As it is painful to turn on the television for a bit of news and where there would at least be a few minutes of real news before, now there is only discussions (sadly most of the times this is a euphemism for shouting matches).

So in 'Room 101' pre-election goes!

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