
By LadyFindhorn


Bernie the local barber at Salisbury is always helpful when he sees me appearing with my camera, and this morning was no exception when I caught him before the arrival of his first clients for their short back and sides. Here is the resulting blip.

His Lordship and I had an interesting morning sussing out the storage facilities in the specialised building near Kinnaird Park. It was almost like entering a chilly travel hotel, with reception desk and corridors of metal rooms of varying sizes from the smallest at 16 sq ft to the largest at 250 sq ft.

When modern houses are being built with no storage accommodation, it has become a new way of living to rent one of those metal cells. You can put out of season things away and then retrieve them when the time is right. It's the equivalent of having a garage and a driveway, where the car sits in the driveway and the garage is filled with clutter.
It will certainly remove a lot of pressure for us knowing that some of our unclaimed- by- offspring 'stuff' can linger for a bit longer without the finality of getting rid of it all before the move. I can see the antique metronome taking up just a little of the space!

Although we haven't yet heard about the actual 'get out of the castle' date, we believe it to be the end of August/beginning of September. This is ideal in that we are now able to have our expatriate children staying here during the summer holidays. The Dower House is just too small for parents + children.
I can't decide if that is a positive or a negative............ just joking kids!

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