Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


ok, so maybe its not apparent from the title and sure i did take some pics of those little orange feckers but i much prefered this one. the pic i actually took on my way out of waterloo station today, oddly enough on my way to a disciplinary hearing. quite apt given the expression on this guys face. i have to admit that its one of the better pieces i've seen in a while, esp given the crap around it but i digress, goldfish that is todays rant, not so much the fish themselves but the paraphernalia that goes along with them. i mean really, do we honestly need all this crap for two sodding goldfish. i hate to go all "four yorkshire men" but when i was a kid you chucked them in whatever could pas as a tank and let them get on with it. maybe just maybe on a guilty sunday afternoon when your mum had nothing to better to do, she would empty it, chisel off some of the more stubborn growths, a quick rinse out with the co-ops best own brand washing up liquid and job done(if there wasn't an unfortunate transportation accident when moving said fish to and from their home).
Not now, not anymore, not quite so simple now sir. to start with my beloved had to replace the original tank for a more advanced and far bigger one-actually now that i think about it the blame for this lies squarely with granny, who decided on one of her visits down here that what her granddaughter really needed was some goldfish. so they go out for a walk one afternoon and return with an acceptable old fashioned tank and a couple of goldfish. again thanks again mum, no really it was a great idea. well here we are over a year later and against all odds these little sods are still alive. which brings me back to the issue of all the shit that they now need to survive. i mean they have to have a water treatment sachet added to the tank, then a new filter (every 4-6 weeks), then add some water to it, having thoroughly wiped inside with the special cleaning cloth, then fill up a another bowl, well bucket as this thing holds about the same as the local reservoir, and add a sachet of "stress coat" and leave that to come to room temperature over 24 hours before adding it to the rest of the tank. once you've been through all that you have to add more chemicals to the whole concoction. PUSSIES. what is it with these fish? have they jut become like the rest of us? soft, not a shadow of how tough we used to be.
anyway, i just had to stop this blip to finish the fish saga. they have now been moved into the hall as we have plumbers coming tomorrow to move the boiler and put in a downstairs loo.
right my rant has been completely thrown off track by the arrival of my mate and the moving the fish thing, so i shall raise a glass to Jaws (my golfish as a child), who survived 5 edinburgh winters outside in an old drum that had been cut in half. hard as nails that fish and not a chemical or filter in sight

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