Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Boston Tea Party

Todays blip is Boston Common. 50 acres of land was given over to the people of Boston in 1634 which they could use for cattle, dueling, military exercises, hangings and the like... 48 acres of it is still present as this very lovely parkland in the middle of the city.

It looks all calm and peaceful here but just a few yards over was Sarah Palin (you remember, ran for possible vice president, bit of a muppet, Tina Fey lookalike..) holding her own Tea Party with the accompaniment of supporters, protesters, general loonies and a whole fleet of news vans and cameras. Oh and not to forget some oddly dressed folk having their own tea party, with cookies!

We've had a lovely day today walking The Freedom Trail. Its such a good way of seeing the city. Maggie took on the role of tour guide and insisted on giving directions, reading everything out from our wee leaflet and pointing the various landmarks out to me, despite the fact we were following a big red line on the ground and we'd already heard lots of it on our tour bus yesterday. It was...most...enlightening. She would also like it noted that she acted out some of the roles and scenes too. Ummmm.....yeah..... Quite Shakespearian.

Boston is really lovely and the history is great. And its so sweet how old they think it all is, bless them! A lovely American gentleman, called Gene, said to us a couple of weeks ago that the British think that a hundred years is nothing but a hundred miles is a really long way, the Americans think that a hundred years is a very long time indeed but a hundred miles is just around the corner.
Its very true!
Americans! Gotta love 'em :O)

And not tax them on tea, definitely not.

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