Country File

By marypot

Where's Gracie?

A new version of the popular 'Where's Wally' game...can you see her? (clue: that's not her in the water).

Fab day today. We started off at SPLATZ softplay in Haltwhistle, which was a lot of fun. We met up with friends Amy, Julie and Lisa and their little ones. Grace just ran about with her toddler friends and they pretty much did their own thing, periodically appearing back at the bank of sofas our group was nestled in to get a drink or a snack. Ophelia fed, fed, fed for the first 40 minutes or so and then crashed out on the sofa for the rest of the time and needed to be woken up as she was taken back to the car.

The others all went home around midday, but Grace, Ophelia and I stayed on for lunch. We had a delicious if very unhealthy feast of chips and nachos there. We then had a bit more time for Grace to play whilst Ophelia slept.

On the way home we stopped off for a half hour or so at Lisa's place, for Grace to have some more play time with her best friend Gabrielle. Then Gabrielle and Lisa came over to our place about an hour later and we took the double buggies around the long block. Have said so before, but it is a pretty torturous 3 - 4 mile-long route up and down some very steep hills. I think Lisa was cursing me by the end of it! Part way round, we let Grace and Gabrielle out of the buggies for a play in the ford over the River Allen. They pottered about and my heart was in my mouth when Grace started over the bridge on her own, but you have to let 'em go do their thing, don't you?

So all in all a really great day - lots of good times with good friends and sunny weather to boot!

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