With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


of our book club. Ours was much more successful than this!

What a great luxury it was to have the time to discuss our book (I think I'll keep which one to us). Everyone had differing opinions and sentiments about what we had read. I managed to remind myself how terrible I am for interupting people. Sarah, Kirsty and Jenny, thank you for a lovely time and I am so looking forward to next month.

The day was swallowed up by such pleasures - lunch with Kirsty in the square and then it was time to go. The boys returned from school, I managed to download some photos from the weekend and then printed out a picture of the cat, Suc, to make a little poster. Little Agu and I ventured out to put them up around our neighbourhood and searched a little (in vain) for him. We explored a few paths very close to the house. I was slightly disappointed to find that when I hear sheep braying, or whatever it is they do in the twilight, that the bucolic sounds I hear are not from the mountains, filtering down through the olive groves as I imagined, but from someones albeit large back garden a stone's throw from the house. Still, we are on the edge of town and I can still pretend I'm up there in my olivar with my own well and no electricity and an outside kitchen. Oh, and a goat. No, not a boat. That's another dream.

p.s. As I type this, the Scops owls are bleating, or whatever they do. I'm feeling a little more bucolic.

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