Baldy Chefs Blip Blog!

By baldychef

Mosiacs From Nepal

Today its 3 months since we arrived in Nepal for our charity trip.

The 1st night we spent at the wonderful Hotel Courtyard In Kathmandu. During our stay we came across these beautiful mosaics.

Further investigation revealed that they are made by rescued Nepali circus girls. Young girl's just kids, who are trafficked to India to work in the circus's there.

The girls have been rescued by The Esther Benjamins Trust project in Nepal. Older circus returnees who do not want to or who cannot return to school pose a huge rehabilitation challenge.

They are not welcome with their families (especially if they have been sexually abused) and frequently have major psychological problems after years of abuse.

Through training, support, education & care. The girls & young women at Himalayan Mosaics are now entirely self-supporting through the sale of mosaics.

For more information click the Esther Benjamins Trust link above.

Michelle who runs Hotel Courtyard sells the mosaics dotted around the hotel on behalf of the trust. Like us many guests staying buy them.

We bought 3 & wished we could have bought more. Not only are they well made & beautiful, they raise money for a fantastic cause.

Everywhere we stayed & went on our trip benefitted a charity or organisation in Nepal. Be it Namaste Children's House Namaste Childrens House our main focus of the charity fundraising we do, to Siklis village where we donated money for the mothers school first pc & training for a teacher. To the Himalayan Raptor Rescue Centre & Sapana Lodge.

Nepal is an amazing country & the people so generous & caring considering they have very little.

We miss it very much, especially the children & young women at Namaste Children?s House. Were continuing to raise money & plan to go back in 2012.

Today these beautiful Mosiacs sit on our living room wall. A wonderful reminder of an amazing time at an amazing place.

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