Thank you.

A quickish blip this morning - kittens go to the vets for their first jab later on and I want to get out and get some bits and pieces done in the garden. Far too lovely to spend the day inside on the PC.

Besides I just had a guy turn up at the door (yes one of the kitchen ones) and the first thing he said to my daughter (whom he'd never met before) was "finally, you're in at last". He then went on to claim that he had tried several times to get us in over the last week. Having only been out once that I can recall, this rubbed me up the wrong way to start with. Given that I had arranged with the guy in charge for him to turn up next Friday I was even more annoyed. When I then overheard him saying to the lad that was with him "see how easy it is for them to get p***ed off" I just about exploded and I needed to do something to calm down!

So, I picked up my camera and the broken daffodil I had rescued from the garden and stuck in a glass tankard (serious shortage of nice vases in my house!). Some bubbles had formed on the stem and I thought I would have a go at something like the straw blip that traceyflowerpot did a while back. However, found that this daffodil made a much more interesting image when you put the head in the water instead or the stem. The papery bit seemed to trap all the air bubbles making it glow.

So, here it is - a quickish blip and a big thank you for all the comments on yesterday's too. Very, very much appreciated.

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