
By andyclicks

yummy dandilions

so i had plenty of time to blip

having another sort've but not so Lazy day

i don't particularly like them but today it was good. i was out all day yesterday, and i had a lot of weird stressful dreams last night not sure why but hey ho

well yeah today i've done all my photoshopping for yesterday and that was a lot. going to do a bit of coursework in a mo' but i thought i'd blip first rather than worrying about it at 11pm tonight haha.

this is my torty; Cohrine. you've met her before when she woke up from hibernation and she's all up and awake now. and loving this warm sunny weather we've been having the past few days.

i was feeding her her favourite, dandilion leaves she loves them. although grabbing a picture of her with her mouth open is a real challenge. who said tortoises are slow ? including that mouth it seems only to be open for one second and then its shut again. this was one of 3 photos i caught with her mouth open but the others were a smidge blurry or just composed badly. this one wasn't too bad.

SEE i have plenty of time to blip, and then i've now written a whole essay nobody will read !

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