With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Trotting on

What I have failed to do properly so far this week, is wish Big Agu

a very Happy Birthday

for last Sunday. We are going to celebrate the weekend after next, as it's little Agu's next Thursday aswell.

The appointment at the hospital was brief and thankfully on time, and I was just referred for an MRI on the 21st May. We may have to jump the gun a bit on that somehow. We stopped for a late lunch at that well known Swedish store, where I bought candles, of course. This is outside the hippodrome, where they were training some of the horses round a Marguerite (Margalidas here), thistle and Mallow strewn course. I nabbed a few flowers to bring home, as there are thousands.

Mrs Pepperpot phoned to say her help arrived promptly this morning and she is fine, though maybe feeling a little vulnerable. She has a huge network of friends and I am feeling better about having to leave her now.

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