A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Haircut 99

Hm, doesn't have quite the same ring as Haircut 100 - should have saved this for tomorrow. But the boy's holiday haircut was today and I don't think lack of inspiration is an excuse for cheating (hope you're picking up the not so subtle lowering of expectations).

Fabulous sunny day worthy of the summer holidays. Kids very keen to go out on new bikes so braved taking them down the high road on the way to the park to meet up with a classmate of J's who very conveniently has a little sister and a mom that Anna and I play with nicely. Passed a good few hours lying in the sun watching the kids play, eating a picnic and only occassionally being required to do any real parenting (couple of swing pushes and comforting an injured climber). A bit of a learning curve taking them both out on bikes. Not least that the lock didn't fit through both of them so popping into places was not a simple exercise. Still, we didn't knock anyone over and only crashed into the back of my legs once so I'll call that a success. Next time I'll feel more confident and won't be so nervy.

Decided bikes and ice-cream don't mix so dropped the former back home before heading out for the latter. Stopped at the butchers to stock up for another picnic tomorrow and the hoped for first BBQ.

Sitting out in the garden with a cuppa watching the kids play and about to attempt to read Dr Faustus. Though with the sun on my face and after today's outings my eyes just may close for a minute, or two...

School holidays + sun = happy days*
Lesley x

* sounds like the sort of formula I should have got a grant to conduct a research project to calculate.

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