In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Get raffled!

This Blip a day thing, the decision of what to post, or what to photograph, makes you pick out what was the defining thing or moment of your day. I've had blogs a plenty, but they can have as many photos and words as you want. Facebook and Twitter both have their merits, but, this, having to narrow it all down to one, I have to say, is quite cathartic.

So what defined me today?
These days it's all about the International Festival I'm organizing for the girl's school's PTA. Leading a team of people at any time has it's challenges, and trying to get a group of parents from diverse cultural and national backgrounds to agree on how to do any one thing, is enough to seriously drive one to drink. If I pull it off, I'm going to apply for the UN Secretary General job. The event is next week, and I think the stress peaked last Wednesday, and now I'm in the calm before the storm.

Apart from overseeing the whole thing, my one concrete job is organizing the raffle. Tickets anyone?

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