Flo's Pics

By JoKent

A Personal Pilgrimage

17 years ago, my Grandad painted this scene for my husband and I as a wedding present. Ever since then I have been determined to visit Cuckmere Haven to see the view for myself. My Grandad died some 15 years ago, but we had been visiting my Grandma now and again since then.

Unfortunately my Grandma died a couple of weeks ago and the funeral was held on 8th April. After the funeral my family and I had a meal at the Badgers Watch, Peacehaven when I felt the need to visit Cuckmere, so that is what we decided to do. So off we all went and here is the view I have been itching to see for the last 17 years, my personal pilgrimage to sit where my Grandad sat all those years ago and painted my wedding present.

In loving memory of John Moss and Winifred Moss, dear grandparents, RIP we miss you both xxxx

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