My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

The Miracle of Wings.

This big Bumble Bee was working away in the flowers over the green just now.
I had my camera so I sat on the grass and caught some shots as she gatherd pollen from these Primroses. She had a quite a job, as she weighed a lot, and the flower heads fell under the weight of this furry body several times. She was not easy to photograph.

I got some great shots of her but this one, with the sun catching the wings and the amazing detail of them was my favourite.

If you can view this photo on large, you will see how powerful the wings are. The powerful blood vessels and the dips in the surface. It made me see how they are not delicate little gossamer things, but part of a very strong design, to lift this pretty weighty body into the air.

Since I posted this Blip I have learned from HardyHeroine that this Bee is indeed a female.

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