I can't stand the rain
Got up to a gloomy grey day. It rained on and off, and then mainly on and on and on.
To brighten the day, a visit from our agent down here - who helps with letting the house out over the summer. As usual we both chatted way too much and probably put him behind with his jobs for the whole day. Anyway, he fixed our bath tap and we discovered a shared interest in photography - so he got a blipcard and probably way more information than he ever wanted about what I know about taking photos (I know - how could it have taken so long to get through it?)
Dull day, and with the kids unable to get out much it was inevitable that we would get on each other's nerves. Conor didn't help with a series of 'accidents' that ended up with all the child sized trouser/short garments in the washing machine, including all Katherine's spares. He just seems to get distracted by some interesting (dead) insect on the bathroom floor and forget all about why he's there.
This is the rosemary in the rain. I don't normally get to see the flowers as we're not usually here at this time of year. They taste delicious in salad. But not when they're soggy like this, I think. We have loads of rosemary in the garden, so I was amazed last year to find one of our renters had bought (and used a lot of) a jar of dried rosemary. Tsk.
So now I have wine, a dress to hem, and a long book about 16th century England to amuse me. Tomorrow is another day.
Speaking of other days, here are the remaining backblips from the internet-free start to my holiday:
Sunday: Gulp, 40 today
Monday: Sunny sunny sunny sunny
The other links are in yesterday's blip in case you can't bear to miss any of the excitement.
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