
By LadyFindhorn


His Lordship and I had to make a sad and poignant trip through to Glasgow today for the funeral of yet another of our cycling friends.

Theresa was someone with an incredible zest for life , who imbued others with enthusiasm and who made friends wherever she went. Testament to that was a church packed to the doors with people who didn't know each other, but who all knew Theresa and her husband Jack.

Although over the years she had beaten different cancers twice, this third one was one too many, although she was convinced right up to the end that she would get better. She was a heroic lady, and as her son said in his address, also a pigheaded one who couldn't let cancer win because she had a life to lead.
Sadly for us round three went to cancer.

It seems as though the Grim Reaper is stalking us this year. This is the third funeral for us in as many months and certainly makes us aware of our mortality.

On the positive side, it was a perfect spring day with daffodils adding colour to the roadsides and the Campsie Hills seen from Cadder Cemetery shimmering in the sunshine. I think Theresa would have been pleased that all her friends from far and wide were gathered together in such beautiful surroundings.

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