mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

We were round visiting my brother today (Uncle C to Aidan) and Aidan was having a go on the Playstation 3! Not really, but it looks like he is!!

24 weeks old today and we were at the baby clinic this morning for Aidan's fortnightly weigh in. Me and mr mono always try and guess Aidan's weight the night before. I guessed 17lbs 10oz and mr mono guessed 18lbs. Mr mono won! My big boy was 18lbs 1oz when weighed this morning. Huge! He's still just in between the 50th and 75th lines on the charts so hopefully that's ok.

After the clinic it was lunch with Uncle C then home to get the dinner on. Aidan had a really good day today, he was happy most of the day and I managed to only give him is dummy for one nap and then at bed time. I'm trying not to let him become too addicted. It's really hard some days though! Not today, it was really easy. Wish everyday was like this!!

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