The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Palermo Fishing Harbour.....

We docked in Palermo, Scilly, this morning, although a little behind time due to a very fast current, its quite warm but a little overcast.
We took a quick tour around the Town, and a whistle stop tour of all the sights, but I decided this one was the one to put on today; I didn?t want to bore you with Cathedrals and Museums, how ever nice they were.

My feet are hurting due to a very long walk we have just done up into the town and back to the ship.

Another day at sea before we get to Greece, and there most of the passengers get off and head home, except for us, as we are then going to Egypt and Port Said.

I did manage to get to view a few blips yesterday, and found how Hebs and Coz had got on with their Wedding day, best of luck to them.

I also managed to phone home to see how Mom is getting on with her post Operation progress and she is now walking with her crutches, so well done Mom and Happy 82nd Birthday to day.

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