Mrs Bear

By mrsbear


What a loverly day!

Huggy and I went for a swim early doors, fighting for our little corner of the pool when three speedy swimmers jumped into the same lane and started to take over. It wasnt that we minded sharing. But the rest of the pool was pretty empty, they jumped in without saying anything (most others round here would ask), then proceeded to do the tappy thing on my feet as I was doing my sets. Grrrr. It all sorted itself out though, thankfully I was nearly done, as was Hugs.

Then we had a fab day chillin, reading (oor wullie annual!), catching up on a bit of House, then walking in the Forest. This is the 7th pic I took of Huggy on our walk - the other 6 he kept shutting his eyes the same time I took the shot! There were also some people coming along the track, getting closer and closer. Pressure! It was very funny..

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