...thru my eye

By CapturedLight


This is one of the most memorable Easters I've experienced. Went to church and watched a part 3 of The Easter Trilogy production. Went to a long time friends house for an Easter celebration where the Easter Bunny showed up. The kids had a little egg hunt (very cute watching excited kids get candy).

We were just sitting at the table eating dessert when the floor started moving, it did not feel real. The bible said the earth shook and the stone rolled away, God was just reminding us of today's meaning.

After the earthquake we went to my hubby's parents house and had another little egg hunt, I loved the color of the eggs (not plastic) and the basket was just classic. The whole picture reminds me of when I was little looking for eggs.

Its been a long day and its time to go to sleep. Goodnight and God Bless.

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