
By LadyFindhorn

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday and the world outside the castle walls seemed much quieter than usual. Perhaps people were at church, rolling Easter eggs, or were having a holiday long lie. Whatever the reason it was good not to have the normal traffic on the streets.

I saw this cross of daffodils on a local church this morning and thought it made a very topical blip.
I no longer attend church, but when I was a child we went to church every Sunday and Easter Sunday was the highlight of the Christian year. For the occasion I always got a new straw Easter bonnet and I can remember the one I liked best with daisies round the brim.
I think now it's only the Free Church of Scotland and the Jewish faith that like hats to be worn to church and synagogue.

His Lordship came back from buying the papers with a large chocolate Easter Egg which we halved, and I regret to say, despite my good intentions it went down the hatch very quickly.

We ventured out this afternoon to have a recce for furniture which will fit into our mini downsized Dower House. Not that we're buying yet, obviously we must sell the castle first, but it doesn't do any harm to look.
We were suitably depressed by what was on offer. Most of the furniture would have looked good in a care home, except the ubiquitous white leather settees which seemed to be the must have for 2010. I think not.

The other object of our shopping was to buy some eye shadow and mascara ( for me, his Lordship doesn't go in for that sort of thing).
It seems that the cosmetic industry has pronounced that cosmetics should only be kept for about 5 months otherwise women are open to all kinds of unspecified infections. Well I have had mine for about 7 years without any trouble; but there again I obviously am not a heavy user.
However we have a posh family 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow and I reluctantly feel that nature is needing a helping hand.

There are some advantages of being a natural blond, having fun, being dumb, and not having a dark moustache, but eyebrows and eyelashes are disappointingly non existent.
I look enviously at women with long fluttering eyelashes and well shaped dark eyebrows while I have invisible eyelashes and fair eyebrows.

I once got a gift voucher for a beauty salon and being a complete novice in that department elected to have my eyebrows shaped and tinted. I got such a fright when I saw myself in the mirror that I was sure people would recoil in horror. Nobody noticed, and the sun in Oman the following week put pay to my Alastair Darling brows.

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