Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Easter Lily

Sometimes I get to help do the decorating at our little church. Today was one of those times. I love doing that. I love pretty things! So as we were finishing-up, I look my point-and-shot out of my pocket to try to capture some of the decorations. It's not a good photo. There were microphones and music stands in the way. But that's okay with me. This little church is a special place and certainly a place that loves to get all gussied-up for holidays. Just look at this for a little proof.

For years we attended a huge mega-church with several thousand people. It's been quite a transition to attend a little church. We've learned that the size of the building or congregation has very little to do with quality or quantity of faith. A kind and friendly group of folks gathers here every Sunday morning -- they come in all sizes and all ages. Tomorrow--Easter--brings the Reason that we all gather. I appreciated very much the comments that blip friends wrote on yesterday's page referring to their own faith. I also appreciated some other pages, like Tina's and Catherine's. And there were many other pages like theirs. It is truly a rare and unique moment to get to see inside someone else's life.

I hope you have a great Easter.
Good night for Southern California.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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