It could be me

It could be me*

Up very early today. And before the sun had even got a sniff of the yard arm, I had managed to spend a considerable amount of money.

Popped out later to buy a lottery ticket. I rarely buy lottery tickets. But today I bought 3. It wasn't so much a was more an oh-my-god-how-much-feckin-money-have-I-just-feckin-spent amount of money. Gulp.

In other news, it would appear that there are shelves of my fridge that I don't seem to be visiting very often. So if I stop buying butter that goes out of date, maybe that would be a start in economising.

From Edinburgh milkman, to Irish crooner; I have no idea how I found this. But it's a joy to behold.

* it wisnae me.

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