
By champignons

This is mine, and I am not sharing

Finns lil mate theo came over today. And when I say lil mate I mean our friends Stacey and John who we have known for a long while and conveniently had a baby at practically the same time. Though I'm sure when Stacey was heavily pregnant and I was skipping about proclaiming the joys of having a bladder unencumbered by tiny feet, 5 weeks is a bloody long time.

Jim took lots of lovely photos of the boy today. I did not- largely because I wanted one of both boys, and getting both boys looking nicely at the camera or each other at the same time is an impossibility. I have many of the gurning in opposite directions though.

Jim also made some very nice bread using the recipe from the book the nut and I lovingly and not entirely altruistically bought him for his birthday. We like bread. He likes making it.

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